Monday, May 14, 2012

Freebies... on Mother's Day

Freebies... on Mother's Day. An hour in the car on a rainy day seems like an eternity. Add a fussy baby and a smelly puppy... well... you get the idea. Seemed like so much more than an hour's drive to the in-laws for Mother's Day. We arrived and visited for a garage cook out hosted by my brother-in-law. As we got ready to eat my wife decided to feed our little Belle first, then after feeding her a while opted to go and get her a plate. Well. There was not much left - however there was one yummy grilled chicken. As she sat to enjoy her meal she soon discovered her piece of chicken was the only one which was not cooked. She silently sat there for a while looking sad until I asked her what was wrong, slightly whispered to her ear. "There isn't any food left, and my chicken is not cooked..." she said. I told her I would buy her some food when we left. While there we were delighted to see two short video's of our 15-month-old being born - videos we had never seen and also thought were lost forever. What a great day after all! Also, Longhorns and a full rack of ribs later did not hurt making it a much better mother's day for my bride. I guess this short ramble is to mention make sure to properly celebrate Mother's Day for your wife, daughter, and mother, whom ever in your life. I feel I dropped the ball on this one, and will make it up to her as I can. As far as the opening line... "Freebies... on Mother's Day"... well. We received a vintage Syroco mirror from my mother-in-law mentioning she discovered this and thought of our Etsy shop - or even our home as we too like to decorate with these mirrors. Also while at Longhorn's we received a couple of extra sides and a gift card for a future free appetizer. Monday is a new day and a day closer to receiving some more freebies from Bzz Agent. I received a Bzz 'campaign' for shampoo and am eager to check it out. Yes, I will post more info when I receive this - my first Bzz agent campaign.